

MySQL을 사용하다 보면 ibdata1이 용량이 커져 있을 때가 있다.

비단 Zabbix를 사용 할 뿐만 아니라, MySQL을 사용하면 발생 할 수 있는 문제이다.

ibdata1에 대해 용량을 정리 해줘야 하는데 명령어 하나로 간단하게 정리 할 수가 없다.

데이터베이스를 Dump 후 Drop 하고 다시 Import 해줘야 한다.

1. DB 접속

mysql -uroot -p

2. DB 확인

show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
| zabbix             |

3. 해당 DB의 테이블 사용용량 확인

select table_name, (data_length + index_length)/1024/1024 as total_mb, table_rows from information_sc
hema.tables where table_schema = 'zabbix';
| table_name                 | total_mb     | table_rows |
| acknowledges               |   0.06250000 |          0 |
| actions                    |   0.04687500 |          8 |
| alerts                     |   0.17187500 |         45 |
| application_discovery      |   0.04687500 |         72 |
| application_prototype      |   0.07812500 |        351 |
| application_template       |   0.04687500 |        353 |
| applications               |   0.17187500 |       1529 |
| auditlog                   |   0.06250000 |          2 |
| auditlog_details           |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| autoreg_host               |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| conditions                 |   0.03125000 |         24 |
| config                     |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| config_autoreg_tls         |   0.03125000 |          1 |
| corr_condition             |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| corr_condition_group       |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tag         |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tagpair     |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tagvalue    |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_operation             |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| correlation                |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| dashboard                  |   0.03125000 |          2 |
| dashboard_user             |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| dashboard_usrgrp           |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| dbversion                  |   0.01562500 |          1 |
| dchecks                    |   0.03125000 |          1 |
| dhosts                     |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| drules                     |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| dservices                  |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| escalations                |   0.06250000 |          0 |
| event_recovery             |   0.04687500 |          6 |
| event_suppress             |   0.06250000 |          0 |
| event_tag                  |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| events                     |   0.04687500 |         23 |
| expressions                |   0.03125000 |         10 |
| functions                  |   0.87500000 |       6328 |
| globalmacro                |   0.03125000 |          5 |
| globalvars                 |   0.01562500 |          1 |
| graph_discovery            |   0.06250000 |        343 |
| graph_theme                |   0.03125000 |          4 |
| graphs                     |   0.68750000 |       1846 |
| graphs_items               |   0.71875000 |       3930 |
| group_discovery            |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| group_prototype            |   0.06250000 |         11 |
| history                    |  20.03125000 |     216292 |
| history_log                |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| history_str                |   1.03125000 |        427 |
| history_text               |   1.06250000 |        679 |
| history_uint               | 244.03125000 |    2100865 |
| host_discovery             |   0.04687500 |          4 |
| host_inventory             |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| host_tag                   |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| hostmacro                  |   0.42187500 |       2036 |
| hosts                      |   0.25000000 |        287 |
| hosts_groups               |   0.04687500 |        258 |
| hosts_templates            |   0.04687500 |        166 |
| housekeeper                |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| hstgrp                     |   0.03125000 |         26 |
| httpstep                   |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| httpstep_field             |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| httpstepitem               |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| httptest                   |   0.07812500 |          0 |
| httptest_field             |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| httptestitem               |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| icon_map                   |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| icon_mapping               |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| ids                        |   0.01562500 |         50 |
| images                     |   1.53125000 |        157 |
| interface                  |   0.04687500 |         15 |
| interface_discovery        |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| interface_snmp             |   0.01562500 |          8 |
| item_application_prototype |   0.35937500 |       2787 |
| item_condition             |   0.20312500 |       1329 |
| item_discovery             |   0.75000000 |       5365 |
| item_preproc               |   1.89062500 |       8038 |
| item_rtdata                |   0.15625000 |       2324 |
| items                      |   9.34375000 |      10853 |
| items_applications         |   1.07812500 |       7690 |
| lld_macro_path             |   0.03125000 |         91 |
| lld_override               |   0.03125000 |        112 |
| lld_override_condition     |   0.03125000 |        108 |
| lld_override_opdiscover    |   0.01562500 |        115 |
| lld_override_operation     |   0.03125000 |        115 |
| lld_override_ophistory     |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opinventory   |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opperiod      |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opseverity    |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opstatus      |   0.01562500 |        115 |
| lld_override_optag         |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| lld_override_optemplate    |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| lld_override_optrends      |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| maintenance_tag            |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| maintenances               |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_groups        |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_hosts         |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_windows       |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| mappings                   |   0.21875000 |       1934 |
| media                      |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| media_type                 |   0.39062500 |         33 |
| media_type_message         |   0.09375000 |        135 |
| media_type_param           |   0.07812500 |        505 |
| module                     |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| opcommand                  |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| opcommand_grp              |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| opcommand_hst              |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| opconditions               |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| operations                 |   0.03125000 |         15 |
| opgroup                    |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| opinventory                |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| opmessage                  |   0.03125000 |         14 |
| opmessage_grp              |   0.04687500 |          7 |
| opmessage_usr              |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| optemplate                 |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| problem                    |   0.06250000 |         17 |
| problem_tag                |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| profiles                   |   0.12500000 |        456 |
| proxy_autoreg_host         |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| proxy_dhistory             |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| proxy_history              |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| regexps                    |   0.03125000 |          5 |
| rights                     |   0.04687500 |          7 |
| screen_user                |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| screen_usrgrp              |   0.04687500 |          1 |
| screens                    |   0.04687500 |         75 |
| screens_items              |   0.09375000 |        252 |
| scripts                    |   0.06250000 |          3 |
| service_alarms             |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| services                   |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| services_links             |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| services_times             |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| sessions                   |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| slides                     |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshow_user             |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshow_usrgrp           |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshows                 |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_element_trigger     |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_element_url         |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| sysmap_shape               |   0.03125000 |          5 |
| sysmap_url                 |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| sysmap_user                |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_usrgrp              |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmaps                    |   0.07812500 |          1 |
| sysmaps_elements           |   0.09375000 |         12 |
| sysmaps_link_triggers      |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmaps_links              |   0.06250000 |          0 |
| tag_filter                 |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| task                       |   0.04687500 |          0 |
| task_acknowledge           |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_check_now             |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_close_problem         |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_data                  |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_remote_command        |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_remote_command_result |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_result                |   0.03125000 |          0 |
| timeperiods                |   0.01562500 |          0 |
| trends                     |   8.01562500 |       3638 |
| trends_uint                |  60.01562500 |      32084 |
| trigger_depends            |   0.21875000 |       1349 |
| trigger_discovery          |   0.10937500 |        652 |
| trigger_tag                |   0.03125000 |          2 |
| triggers                   |   2.89062500 |       4426 |
| users                      |   0.03125000 |          8 |
| users_groups               |   0.04687500 |          9 |
| usrgrp                     |   0.03125000 |          7 |
| valuemaps                  |   0.03125000 |        253 |
| widget                     |   0.03125000 |         17 |
| widget_field               |   0.10937500 |        152 |

한 번 정리 된 적이 있기 때문에 많지는 않다.


4. Zabbix DB 접근

MariaDB [(none)]> use zabbix;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

5. 덤프 용량을 줄이기 위해 테이블 truncate

MariaDB [zabbix]> truncate table history;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [zabbix]> optimize table history;
| Table          | Op       | Msg_type | Msg_text                                                          |
| zabbix.history | optimize | note     | Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead |
| zabbix.history | optimize | status   | OK                                                                |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

MariaDB [zabbix]> truncate table history_uint;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

MariaDB [zabbix]>  optimize table history_uint;
| Table               | Op       | Msg_type | Msg_text                                                          |
| zabbix.history_uint | optimize | note     | Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead |
| zabbix.history_uint | optimize | status   | OK                                                                |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

4. 용량 확인

select table_name, (data_length + index_length)/1024/1024 as total_mb, table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'zabbix';

5. 로컬 공간이 적을 시 gzip으로 압축하여 DB 덤프 (os cli에서 진행)

mysqldump -uroot -p zabbix | gzip > /tmp/zabbix.sql.gz


6. 데이터베이스 Drop 하기

MariaDB [NONE]> drop database zabbix;


7. MySQL 나가기

MariaDB [NONE]> quit

8. MYsql 서비스 중지

systemctl stop mariadb

9. ibdta*, ib_logfile*  파일 삭제

rm ibdta*, ib_logfile*

10. 필요시 my.cnf 또는 my.ini에서 해당 부분 조정

innodb_file_per_table #테이블 별 테이블스페이스 사용
innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT #O/S캐시를 사용하지 않음, O/S와 InnoDB에 이중으로 퍼버링하지 않겠다는 의미, Windows는 무관
innodb_buffer_pool_size=8G #물리 메모리의 50% 정도, InnoDB 버퍼 크기
innodb_log_file_size=2G #위 버퍼 크기의 1/4 정도, ib_logifle 크기

11. MySql 시작

systemctl start mariadb

12. DB 접속하여 Drop한 데이터베이스 생성

 mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 3
Server version: 5.5.68-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> quit

13. 압축된 덤프파일 Import

 gunzip < /tmp/zabbix.sql.gz | mysql -uroot -p zabbix

14. 확인

 mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 7
Server version: 5.5.68-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| zabbix             |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> use zabbix
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [zabbix]> select table_name, (data_length + index_length)/1024/1024 as total_mb, table_rows from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'zabbix';
| table_name                 | total_mb   | table_rows |
| acknowledges               | 0.06250000 |          0 |
| actions                    | 0.04687500 |          8 |
| alerts                     | 0.17187500 |         33 |
| application_discovery      | 0.04687500 |         72 |
| application_prototype      | 0.07812500 |        237 |
| application_template       | 0.04687500 |        353 |
| applications               | 0.17187500 |       1026 |
| auditlog                   | 0.06250000 |          2 |
| auditlog_details           | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| autoreg_host               | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| conditions                 | 0.03125000 |         24 |
| config                     | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| config_autoreg_tls         | 0.03125000 |          1 |
| corr_condition             | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| corr_condition_group       | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tag         | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tagpair     | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_condition_tagvalue    | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| corr_operation             | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| correlation                | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| dashboard                  | 0.03125000 |          2 |
| dashboard_user             | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| dashboard_usrgrp           | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| dbversion                  | 0.01562500 |          1 |
| dchecks                    | 0.03125000 |          1 |
| dhosts                     | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| drules                     | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| dservices                  | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| escalations                | 0.06250000 |          0 |
| event_recovery             | 0.04687500 |          6 |
| event_suppress             | 0.06250000 |          0 |
| event_tag                  | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| events                     | 0.04687500 |         23 |
| expressions                | 0.03125000 |         10 |
| functions                  | 0.90625000 |       5756 |
| globalmacro                | 0.03125000 |          5 |
| globalvars                 | 0.01562500 |          1 |
| graph_discovery            | 0.06250000 |        359 |
| graph_theme                | 0.03125000 |          4 |
| graphs                     | 0.54687500 |       1651 |
| graphs_items               | 0.71875000 |       3891 |
| group_discovery            | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| group_prototype            | 0.06250000 |         11 |
| history                    | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| history_log                | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| history_str                | 0.07812500 |        586 |
| history_text               | 0.20312500 |       1033 |
| history_uint               | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| host_discovery             | 0.04687500 |          4 |
| host_inventory             | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| host_tag                   | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| hostmacro                  | 0.42187500 |       1947 |
| hosts                      | 0.25000000 |        294 |
| hosts_groups               | 0.04687500 |        258 |
| hosts_templates            | 0.04687500 |        166 |
| housekeeper                | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| hstgrp                     | 0.03125000 |         26 |
| httpstep                   | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| httpstep_field             | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| httpstepitem               | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| httptest                   | 0.07812500 |          0 |
| httptest_field             | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| httptestitem               | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| icon_map                   | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| icon_mapping               | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| ids                        | 0.01562500 |         50 |
| images                     | 1.53125000 |        155 |
| interface                  | 0.04687500 |         15 |
| interface_discovery        | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| interface_snmp             | 0.01562500 |          8 |
| item_application_prototype | 0.39062500 |       2408 |
| item_condition             | 0.20312500 |       1291 |
| item_discovery             | 0.75000000 |       5693 |
| item_preproc               | 1.89062500 |      11196 |
| item_rtdata                | 0.14062500 |       2027 |
| items                      | 7.17187500 |      11186 |
| items_applications         | 2.06250000 |       7859 |
| lld_macro_path             | 0.03125000 |         91 |
| lld_override               | 0.03125000 |        112 |
| lld_override_condition     | 0.03125000 |        108 |
| lld_override_opdiscover    | 0.01562500 |        115 |
| lld_override_operation     | 0.03125000 |        115 |
| lld_override_ophistory     | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opinventory   | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opperiod      | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opseverity    | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| lld_override_opstatus      | 0.01562500 |        115 |
| lld_override_optag         | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| lld_override_optemplate    | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| lld_override_optrends      | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| maintenance_tag            | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| maintenances               | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_groups        | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_hosts         | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| maintenances_windows       | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| mappings                   | 0.21875000 |       1795 |
| media                      | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| media_type                 | 0.40625000 |         31 |
| media_type_message         | 0.09375000 |        158 |
| media_type_param           | 0.07812500 |        588 |
| module                     | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| opcommand                  | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| opcommand_grp              | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| opcommand_hst              | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| opconditions               | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| operations                 | 0.03125000 |         15 |
| opgroup                    | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| opinventory                | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| opmessage                  | 0.03125000 |         14 |
| opmessage_grp              | 0.04687500 |          7 |
| opmessage_usr              | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| optemplate                 | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| problem                    | 0.06250000 |         17 |
| problem_tag                | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| profiles                   | 0.12500000 |        430 |
| proxy_autoreg_host         | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| proxy_dhistory             | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| proxy_history              | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| regexps                    | 0.03125000 |          5 |
| rights                     | 0.04687500 |          7 |
| screen_user                | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| screen_usrgrp              | 0.04687500 |          1 |
| screens                    | 0.04687500 |         75 |
| screens_items              | 0.09375000 |        369 |
| scripts                    | 0.06250000 |          3 |
| service_alarms             | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| services                   | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| services_links             | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| services_times             | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| sessions                   | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| slides                     | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshow_user             | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshow_usrgrp           | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| slideshows                 | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_element_trigger     | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_element_url         | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| sysmap_shape               | 0.03125000 |          5 |
| sysmap_url                 | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| sysmap_user                | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmap_usrgrp              | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmaps                    | 0.07812500 |          1 |
| sysmaps_elements           | 0.09375000 |         12 |
| sysmaps_link_triggers      | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| sysmaps_links              | 0.06250000 |          0 |
| tag_filter                 | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| task                       | 0.04687500 |          0 |
| task_acknowledge           | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_check_now             | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_close_problem         | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_data                  | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_remote_command        | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_remote_command_result | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| task_result                | 0.03125000 |          0 |
| timeperiods                | 0.01562500 |          0 |
| trends                     | 0.26562500 |       3773 |
| trends_uint                | 2.51562500 |      34842 |
| trigger_depends            | 0.26562500 |       1106 |
| trigger_discovery          | 0.10937500 |        577 |
| trigger_tag                | 0.03125000 |          2 |
| triggers                   | 1.92187500 |       4460 |
| users                      | 0.03125000 |          8 |
| users_groups               | 0.04687500 |          9 |
| usrgrp                     | 0.03125000 |          7 |
| valuemaps                  | 0.03125000 |        253 |
| widget                     | 0.03125000 |         17 |
| widget_field               | 0.10937500 |        152 |
166 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [zabbix]>
MariaDB [zabbix]> quit

ls -ltrh
total 1019M
drwx------ 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Sep 27 17:05 mysql
drwx------ 2 mysql mysql 4.0K Sep 27 17:05 performance_schema
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql   52 Feb 18 15:34 aria_log_control
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  16K Feb 18 15:34 aria_log.00000001
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 500M Feb 18 15:38 ib_logfile1
srwxrwxrwx 1 mysql mysql    0 Feb 18 15:38 mysql.sock
drwx------ 2 mysql mysql  12K Feb 18 15:48 zabbix
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql  18M Feb 18 15:48 ibdata1
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 500M Feb 18 15:48 ib_logfile0

이렇게 ibdata1 파일이 클리어 된 모습을 볼 수 있다.


'IT > Zabbix' 카테고리의 다른 글

Zabbix + VMware 모니터링 설정  (3) 2022.04.12
(최신) Amazon Linux 2 Zabbix Server 5.0 설치  (0) 2022.01.17
Zabbix agent on Windows Server  (0) 2021.08.17
Zabbix 감시 설정  (0) 2021.07.29
Zabbix Template 설정  (0) 2021.07.29

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